
People also like
Highly detailed. by Raunak
Each element is highly detailed with electronic configuration, history, application, boiling point etc. It even provides link to Wikipedia and other informative websites for each element and lets you compare 2 elements. Overall, most of the important information are given and is very helpful for a quick glance-over.
Elements by Jerry
It seems like a good program It shows all the elements. It shows their associations. You can discover about Chemistry in a easy way. Thanks Windows 10. Great Program. This is science shown in a easy to use manner.
A++ by Jonathan
App is full of info and terrific links. The best so far that I have found. Well worth the $1.50!!! Only complaint is that the table of elements is slightly to large for my tablet.
Extremely helpful! by Anisha
The layout of the application is excellent and works brilliantly on tablet mode. It is quite convenient as it works offline as well. Information is accurate, however a little more would be great! Quite satisfied.
education by Unknown
this is very helpful for learners
Good reference, but not a source. by Unknown
A good starting point for reference, say for completing homework or if you need to look something up quickly, however this draws information from sources that cannot be academically cited for credible work. If you use it as a reference you cannot go wrong, if you try to put it into your bibliography you will be wrong.
Perfect in it's presentation/Information by Noel
I only wish this was available when I took chemistry, it would have made my learning so much easier, Smile! For an introduction into the world of bio-chemistry, this is a perfect learning tool. I'm trying to see if it shows the user 1SQ and so on......mean time awesome, kids have it so easy these days :)
5 star by George
It is very informative and easy to understand.