
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8
ArchitectureARM, x86, x64
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8
ArchitectureARM, x86, x64
People also like
Excellent by Kat
Whom ever gave this App a bad rating doesn't know how to work it. This App is an excellent bridge to the USGS and a wealth of information it contains.
Kind of Worthless by Ed
All it does is indicate that an earthquake had occurred and where it occurred. No map of any kind -- just a description of where it happened. No configuration or filtering of any kind. I don't need notifications of every single tremor of magnitude of 0.9.
by srabanti
This app will just give you news updates of earth quake. Nothing else. :)
by Manuel
Not Great.,,
Useless by Eagle
Nothing like an earth quake scanner
About Earthquake PRO
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