People also like
AWESOME by Roberta
A window into the universe!
Amazing! by Melanie
Love the pictures, they are really "out of this world!" Would like it if it had a few more pictures that are not so "close-up" though... Like a shot of Earth, moon, any planet that doesn't take up the whole entire screen. Thanks!
our real creator by Michael
whats not to like
Amazing! by Mark
Love the Cosmic Wallpapers - it's hard to believe they are real
Painted by the finger of GOD by Curtis
I love it all, the deep colors and unique patterns, you can just feel GOD's thought as He created them, there is even more man has not seen yet and could not imagine in a million years.
great by Aaron
love the pics especially without branding.
Our Creator's Handiwork by Carlos
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.