Cloud Music Player - stream online media and download mp3 & support
Publisher: media side
( 1271 Reviews )
License: Free
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
People also like
Better by jokersmile87
Its better then youtube background
like it by NumberPepper841
i can use it while on other apps or games
good but not by End me511
it's amazing, but there's a lot of bugs :/
background music by SRN EnderMan
its a good way to have background music it has tons of songs and is easy to use
Its the best music app for the xbox by Unlucky2020
Its almost exactly like spotify, u can easily find the music that u want to hear whenever u want and, it works as background music. The only bad thing i could find was that it sometimes plays a completely different song from what its labeled. Besides that its an amazing music app.
AWESOME thanks so much by axpReDitOR
Its good but i have to tap the song a few times to get it to work but apart from that it is rrrrrreeeeeeaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy goooooooooooood
About Cloud Music Player - stream online media and download mp3 & support
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