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by Jiffi
Hi, I'm an admirer of your cardash app. I upgraded instantly the pro version after 2 weeks of using the app. Here's what I found about the app and want to see for your update: - Fix of UI for digital navigation button windows phone (I use lumia 730). - Ability to play all songs afterwards when you select one song in songs submenu. - Rotation of the compass direction, not the pointer (needle), just like real compass. - Fix and improvement for the music, sometimes when you play songs randomly, it just closes, or sometimes the music stuck to that one song and you can't change it unless you restart the app. Other than that, it's a great app. Thank you.
by Alexandre
Excellent app. BUT I have a suggestion guys... There's a feature on another app that "mirrors" the display so that it can reflect in the car's windshield. That way the device sits on the dashboard and "integrates" truly in any car and really enhances the experience. Maybe a possible update?!
Windows 10 version needed by Vesko
Great app but has a few issues with Windows 10. Maps button can only launch Here Maps which is no longer supported on WP10. Also app doesn't run well in full screen mode as the time and battery, etc. Icons on the top of the screen remain visible.
by Ryan
This app is the best car dash application for windows phone. It isn't perfect, but the developer is at least continually working on it. So I give 5 stars to keep the development going and keeping this the best app in the store
by Eddie
Very good app. Definitely worth trying.