"Trigonometria_GraficaFunzioni" app allows you to view all Trigonometric Functions within the Goniometric Circle (Circumference of Radius = 1). By varying the angle (in degrees) through a Slider, a graphics animation presents us the immediate change of angle and individual functions. On some TextBox are shown all the values of these functions. Each of the 6 following pages show a single Trigonometric Function and its graphical representation in Cartesian axes: the relationship Function-Graph is shown with an animation driven by a "Slider. The app is very useful for Teachers and Students of Mathematics in High Schools and Universities. The publisher and the author assume no financial responsibility for any errors in calculations.
피플 추천
약 Trigonometria_GraficaFunzioni
인기 다운로드
- 3
디지털교과서 2018
- 4
스마일 타자연습
- 5
Scratch 3
- 6
인기 앱
최고 평점 앱
- 3
디지털교과서 2018
- 4
스마일 타자연습
- 5
Scratch 3
- 6
최고 평점 게임