This app is aimed to facilitate the data capturing from multiple TI SensorTag CC2650 modules. IMU (Accelerometer, angular velocity, magnetic field), Luxmeter, Humidity, Barometer, IR Temperature sensor can be activated and stored individually.
Hardware requirement: - Texas Instrument SensorTag CC2650
The application is tested on Window 10 Desktop and Windows IoT 10.0.17134.48 (DragonBoard).
Please note that Windows 10 Creator updates are not supported. Supported Windows 10 Versions
Version CodeName Name Build 1507 Threshold1 10240 1511 Threshold2 November Update 10586 1607 Redstone1 Anniversary Update 14393 1803 Redstone4 April 2018 Update 17134
Please don't hesitate to contact me if further details are required. Email: [email protected]