Study for the SAT with over 2200 vocabulary flashcards. The SAT tries to lower student's scores by using commonly used words in different ways to trick the student. Our program goes through 1-8 sample sentences to go through different usages of each word so that you will not be caught in a trap on test day.
What is included:
Vocabulary Words: 1305 Words Roots: 939 Roots
Over 2200 questions to strength your vocabulary skills, so that you will score well on test day.
The program itself offers various features and options for a great and convenient learning environment which include:
You can try out our Lite version to see the features and how to use the program (trial version has a few cards for evaluation and has a maximum number of cards limit).
피플 추천
- 3
디지털교과서 2018
- 4
스마일 타자연습
- 5
Scratch 3
- 6
- 3
디지털교과서 2018
- 4
스마일 타자연습
- 5
Scratch 3
- 6