Are you a procrastinator? Are you tired of always doing all your work in the last possible hour, and wasting enormous energy in avoiding work and feeling bad about it? Then Procrastination 2 Flow is the solution to your problems!
Procrastination 2 Flow is the first mind re-trainer which combines Pomodoros with sports psychology to gently retrain your mind to get started with ease. Studies show that small forced work with a guarantied forced break after (a Pomodoro) is acceptable to break the initial procrastination. That enables a larger Pomodoro (after some happy idling, of course) and you have started work! Now your mind is ready to be gently led (manipulated?) into more work at a pace that is acceptable to you, by focusing your mind on other, more neutral, aspects that you get out of work.
Apply this system once a day for a full month, and you will be amazed at the results.
So the only question that remains is for you to answer how much your procrastination has cost you in life?