This calculator is specified to calculation for chemistry. You can input formula with chemical formula.
[ATTENTION] This apprication is not free. Please try limited version before install the full version. https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9P5RWP3829QV
The limited version has limitations below. 1. 3 significant figures of atomic weight 2. Custom abbreviation table cannot be saved
[Important Notice] The apprication never run if custom abbreviation table/atomic weight table have error. In that case, please check below website to collect them. https://tomohama.wordpress.com/2021/09/25/molcalculatorfull-version%e3%81%ab%e3%81%a4%e3%81%84%e3%81%a6/
[Simple Usage] For example, if you input CH3CH2OH, the program answers 46.06(as molecular weight), C2H6O1(as molecular formula), C:52.11% H:13.16% O:34.74% (as elemental analysis)
If you input 117E-3/NaCl/10E-3, you can get 0.2 as mole concentration (If you dissolved 117 mg NaCl into 10ml solvent. you can get 0.2 mol/l solution).
[Usage] Please input formula into input field labeled with "Enter formula here". [Enter] key will run calculation. If you input chemical formula, the program answers molecular weight, molecular formula, and elemental analysis. You can input formula with chemical formula. (eg. H2O-O=2.02) You can input +-*/^(). and numbers and alphabets. E is special character. eg. 2E3 stands for 2x10^3 [Delete] key will clear all inputed formula. Results will be stored into clip board by [ctrl]+[c] Edit List shows lists of atomic weight and abbreviation. But you can not save edited lists.
Number of abbreviation, crystallization solvent, etc should be placed behind of them. Examples are below.
NaCl(H2O)5 -> Na1Cl1H10O5 NaCl5(H2O) -> Na1Cl5H2O1 NaCl5H2O -> Na1Cl5H2O1
EtOH -> C2H6O Et2OH -> C4H11O1 2EtOH -> error EtOH2 -> C2H7O1 (EtOH)2 -> C4H12O2
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