Private RM is a Line-of-Business application for Windows platform which is developed for sales agents to follow up and act for their sales actions and portfolio management dashboard view from one platform. Main dashboard of the Private Relationship Manager application provides many features to the sales agents such as “Tasks”, “Appointments”, “Prospects”, “Clients” and “Call Reports” that expands the accessibility of daily information and increase the control over sales network so sales agents can close more deals! During the customer visit, with the usage of Private Relationship Manager application, sales agents can easily access all the financial information of the customers through the Single View of the Customer. In addition to this view, sales agents can easily take actions on the customer site such as new deals can be captured and service requested can be created easily. The simplicity of closing the deals and taking action at customer location never been that easy and rapid. With one click, the application process for new product offerings can be initiated and required documents can be attached to have a first evaluation on the product when the agent is still on customer premise.