It is an application to train mental arithmetic abilities. It can be used in each of the following modes. · Simple : Simple form of problem · Equation : Equation completion problem · Grid : Calculation problem · Flash : Flash mental calculation In addition, you can score grades for each menu in each mode. When you purchase, the ad at the top will be deleted.
On simple form of problem (Simple) · About how to do 1. Please input the answer of the calculation problem displayed on the right side to the left side. 2. By tapping the Enter key or answer button, the answer is confirmed. The following questions will be asked. 3. If you answer all the questions, the result will be displayed. ・Notes By correctly answering all questions, it is judged as comprehensive correct answer. If you make a mistake in one question, it will be incorrect so please concentrate and solve it. · About the main function 1. Freely allocate parameters of number of digits (1 to 4), operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or random), number of questions (5 to 100) Yes. However, in the case of division, the number of large digits among the number of digits of two terms is the initial term. All division problems are subject to divisible divisions. 2. Initially, several menus are prepared so you can start right away.
On mathematical equation completion problem (Equation) · About how to do 1. Complete the mathematical expression by arranging the blocks of all the numbers (blue) and operator (red) displayed at the bottom in the upper two frames. 2. Click or tap the equal button to fix the answer. 3. If multiple answers are required, after fixing the answer, the block arrangement is reset and a new answer box is created. Repeat steps 1 and 2. The result will be displayed as soon as the last answer box is filled. ・Notes Duplicate answers will not be confirmed if multiple answers are required when fixing the answer in step 2. Please give me another answer. For duplication judgment, judgment is judged as the same answer only when the order of calculation is exchanged on each side (left side or right side) or when the left side and the right side are exchanged. As an example, it is assumed that "1 + 2 = 3", "2 + 1 = 3", "3 = 1 + 2", "3 = 2 + 1" are all the same and one of them can be answered. · About the main function 1. Freely allocate parameters of number of blocks (4 to 9), operators (addition / subtraction, addition / subtraction multiplication, addition / subtraction, addition, subtraction and division), number of digits (1 to 3), number of types to be answered (6 levels) Yes. Everything in the sixth step means all of the problem patterns that have been prepared. It may exist other than the prepared pattern. 2. Initially, several menus are prepared so you can start right away. 3. A total of about 100,000 block arrangements are prepared by changing the parameters. Please challenge more and more. 4. In the answer result, the correct answer is not displayed. By clicking the "Redo later" button you can keep the problem and you can challenge at any time. However, saved problems are retained for each menu, so if you delete a menu, the problem retention will also disappear.
On calculation (Grid) · About how to do 1. Numbers are placed in the first column and the first row. In the upper left corner, operators used for calculation are displayed. Please fill in calculation results in each intersecting cell. 2. If all is filled up, comprehensive answer result will be displayed. ・Notes By correctly answering all questions, it is judged as comprehensive correct answer. If you make a mistake in one question, it will be comprehensively incorrect so please concentrate and solve it. · About the main function 1. The number of numbers (1 to 10), first decimal point (valid, invalid), the range of numerical values (-100 to 100), the number of digits (1 to 2), the calculation method (addition, multiplication), the order of answers (order, random), and the arrangement order of numbers (ascending, descending, random) can be assigned. 2. Individual results are displayed immediately after answering each cell. However, if the size of one square is too small, it will not be displayed until the correct answer, so please go on a big screen when you challenge.
On flash calculation (Flash) · About how to do 1. Add the number to be displayed. 2. After all the numbers are displayed, please enter the answer in the answer frame and confirm. 3. If you set continuous contests to 1 or more, temporarily memorize the results of addition for each round and enter the results stored in the answer box in order after the end of all rounds. 4. After confirming the input, the answer result is displayed. ・Notes If there is a round, unless you answer correctly to all rounds, it will not be a comprehensive correct answer. · About the main function 1. Number of digits (1 to 9), number of questions (1 to 100), calculation method (addition, addition and subtraction), presentation speed (58 steps), successive rounds (0 to 3), carry-up frequency (random, low, high) You can freely assign the parameters of. 2. You can display the result of the question and the intermediate calculation of the correct answer.
About general functions 1. You can freely assign a menu for each parameter and create a menu. 2. You can record grades for each menu and check later. 3. Deletion of grades is also deleted by deleting the corresponding menu.
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