In this application, you can create a bike route and send it to the Bryton Rider S500 device via USB cable. The application is designed for Rider S500, but it may work for some other devices.
Disclaimer: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under terms BSD 3-Clause License.
License and development: Application is Open-Source under BSD 3-Clause License. It includes many third-party libraries which use compatible licenses.
Source code is available: https://github.com/LevPavlas/Rider
피플 추천
약 GPX To Bryton Rider S500
인기 다운로드
- 3
Track of the day
- 4
솔 지도
- 5
GPX Player
- 6
인기 앱
최고 평점 앱
- 3
Track of the day
- 4
솔 지도
- 5
GPX Player
- 6
최고 평점 게임