Delphi Firemonkey Vector UI Design with full support of almost all built in controls. Help you easily beautify you APP without change source code.
This application provides Firemonkey Vector UI Deisgn without using any third party components. All UI elements are put into a single style file. It can be used easily with not only new Apps, but existing Apps without code. Any modifications can be done using Firemonkey Style Designer inside the IDE, without using bitmap tools like Photoshop.
Features: ·All platform support(Android, IOS, Windows, Mac, Linux) with single style file ·Vector design with any DPI and scaling support without losing quality ·Easily tuning with IDE ·Can be used both at existing and new projects without code ·All Firemonkey native control is supported ·No 3rd party dependence
Supported Version: ·Delphi 11.0 and up