Explore the basics of fashion sketching with Fashion Drawing. Discover how to sketch a figure and garment pieces step by step and bring your designs to life!
FASHION ILLUSTRATION MASTERCLASS Body types: fashion models, women, men and plus size model Stylish clothing: top, skirts, dresses, pants, shoes and etc.
WORKING WITH THE LAYER PANEL Manage layers to achieve the professional result
AI GENERATION OF CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES Create clothing and accessories in a particular style using artificial intelligence, and easily improve the outcome by eliminating excessive colors using the eraser tool.
DRAWING TOOLS & BRIGHT COLOR PALETTE - draw the fabric texture - bring your art to life through color
Choose a FREE DRAWING mode to unleash your inner fashion designer
Get inspired and free your imagination to create some amazing outfits!
Some features may be available with a subscription only: access to all lessons and drawing tools and no ads. The free version offers access to one model and clothing lesson from each category, one brush, eraser and advertising viewing.
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