App name : Convert Text to Speech
You want computer/your phone say something from Phone or PC? download this app, you can convert text to Speech in any language that Windows supported, Download Now !!!
Features : - New design & user interface. - Save your speech to mp3, m4a, wav, and/or txt file. - Speech SliderBar control. - In Windows 10 build 14393 or later, now you can play speech in Background (due to windows limitation). but for earlier version you can try my workaround, type your speech => save to mp3 file => play with music player (eg. Groove Music). - You can open EPUB file. - You can open Doc/DocX, PDF, Rtf, Dot, ODT, html, and xml file. - You can open Subtitle file (e.g SubRip (.srt), MicroDVD (.sub), SubStation Alpha (.ssa, .ass)) - Control the volume and speed of speech. - Support for password-protected Word file and also for PDF file. - Added ability to search, sort and select in Library page. - "How to download Speech" page to help download Speech language. - You can translate your text to any language, (powered by Google Translate) - Save AutoRecover - Search speech text
visit our website https://converttexttospeechapp.github.io/website
From now on I am no longer supporting this app for Windows Phone 8.1, move to Windows 10 Mobile (Windows 10 if you have pc).
thanks to all.