You're a fan of two wheels? With bikeHUDDLE [or biking huddle] you can look for the motorcycle ride that interests you, use the CHAT to communicate with other participants and track the position of your companions on the MAP!
bikeHUDDLE is a community in development that lets you share motorcycle routes with your friends. To create your own "spin", and then your path in motion, simply register on bikeHUDDLE, create a route on www.bikehuddle.com site, invite your friends to register (via website or app) and participate. If you participate in a motorcycle ride can use the CHAT group to communicate with other participants: for example through chat you can communicate a delay, a change of location or other organizational details! Easy right? The group CHAT is automatically created when you create a new ride! During the tour, the localization of bikeHUDDLE and your smartphone, allow you to view the MAP the position of other players. Through the bikeHUDDLE settings, you can enter a "dispersion value": If your friend is too far, bikeHUDDLE warns you that the group is "too scattered".
bikeHUDDLE it's free!
FREQUENTLY ORGANIZE TOURS IN MOTORCYCLE WITH YOUR FRIENDS? HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH bikeHUDDLE - On www.bikehuddle.com site creates the itinerary of the tour (you can enter a title, description, date and time of the tour and detailing the path you want to do) - Through the app bikeHUDDLE invite your friends to participate in the motorcycle ride you organized - Your friends who choose to participate are automatically placed in a group chat with which you can communicate all relevant information on lap - During the bike ride, keep an eye on your friends: the "leakage threshold" will let you know if someone is left behind or get lost
DO YOU LIKE THE 2 WHEELS AND YOU LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN BIKE TOURS ORGANIZED BY YOUR FRIENDS? - With the app you can find bikeHUDDLE rpm motorbike itineraries loaded from your friends and other bikers - Every motorcycle ride has a fact sheet that describes - Click on PARTICIPATES green button to join the revolution "going on" in the day - Click on the green button JOIN to participate in the organized tour for a certain date (when the tour is "in progress", will automatically become "participant") - When you participate or are you a member of a motorcycle ride, you can participate in group chat to keep updated on the organization's details - During the bike ride, the map of bikeHUDDLE, you can see the location of your friends on the course
CAUTION The use of the application may incur additional charges on data traffic (related to your telephone operator) and greater use of the battery (linked to the GPS location) even when the app is in the background.