Finally, an simple system to manage tangible assets!
Asset Hive tracks assets by person responsible and location so you can instantly answer "who?" & "Where?". Simplify end of year audits of depreciable assets.
Asset Hive's check-out system automatically creates a complete record of each asset history. Have a clear picture of the path the asset took to get to its current location and state. People are now accountable for assets in their possession. Since a photo clearly demonstrates the state of the asset, you can document the condition of each assets with time-stamped photos and notes.
Discover ghost items in your inventory. Lost and stolen, damaged, or inaccurately recorded items not only waste money, but also makes it difficult to plan when expected assets are not available. Assets are less likely to go missing when they are being tracked, lowering theft and pilfering.
Assets are constantly moving. If you aren't actively managing your assets, you don't know what you have!