Analyze your unexplored Microsoft Store App Sales reports and improve your performance!
Discover in no-time what's happening with grouping, filters and charts that provide you every bit of value.
Embrace a data-driven approach and leverage your marketing efforts.
- Focused User Interface, automatic dashboard, drag and drop support
- Quick filters: Paid, Trial, Free, Today, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, All time
- Acquisition data: Date (converted to Local Time), Parent Product, App, Region, Country, Type, Quantity, Price USD, Tax USD
- Every column support: ordering, sorting, filtering and grouping
- Pie Charts: Top Apps Downloads, Top Revenue by Apps, Revenue by Region, Top Revenue by Country, Apps Downloads Type, Downloads by Month, Downloads by Weekday
- Export to Excel
- Direct reports Download
- Fully compatible with .tsv and .csv reports from the Insights / Download Hub
- Aggregated data: File Coverage, Downloads, Paid Downloads, Purchases USD, Taxes USD
- Text mode for non-report files
Add-ons available:
- Enterprise Reports Subscription (available in-app) give you access to Earning Reports analysis. Valuable data that can be used to avoid the double taxation in countries with a treaty*
*Reports produced by the app are not official government documents and are for informational purposes only. There is no warranty or guarantee of your right to claim a tax credit, deduction, or refund for all or any portion of these amounts. Please consult your tax adviser for specific advices.
- Insight reports can be downloaded from your account at https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/dashboard/insights/analytics/downloadshub
- Earning reports (Enterprise Reports Subscription required) can be downloaded from your account at https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/earnings/earnings