The app is a Bluetooth Remote Control and sends position information to a microcontroller. It interacts with hardware like Arduino, ESP32, Raspberry Pi ….
Only the Bluetooth SPP Profile (RFCOMM) is supported.
The first optional information is a channel, which has the range from 0 to 3. Afterwards 3 positions are handled either as text or bytes.
The range of the values x,y (1. control) and z (2. control) is between -100 and 100.
Byte Mode (Text Off): Optional channel and the 3 positions are transfered as bytes (3 or 4 bytes -> default) Text Mode (Text On): The optional channel (terminated by colon) and the 3 positions are transfered as text seperated by comma and terminated by \n.
Channel off: No channel (default) Channel on: Channel included (0-3)