tracktime.mobile enables the efficient recording of working times and tasks, including income on an hourly basis. The APP can be used on both smartphones and tablets and makes full use of the available screen formats. With a time clock and the convenient manual entry of times, times can be recorded with minimal effort.
functions - There are different working time models to choose from - Time clock for time tracking - Manual entry, adjustment and deletion of time entries - Capture of customers and assignment to tasks and projects - Capture projects with any number of tasks - Record and manage absences, holidays and public holidays - Different overviews for a day, week, month and year - Configurable reports with export to Excel and prepared PDF - Choose from three possible working time models: 1. X days a week with target hours for each day 2. Rolling week with 7 days 3. Annual working hours
And the nice thing is, all functions can be used without restrictions. ????