Learn Spanish Vocabulary With Pictures. Thousands of Spanish vocabulary with interactive pictures. Test your score after every category. Do you know that Spanish language considered one of the easiest language for a native English speaker. The grammar and sentence structure may different from English language but simpler. Get this free app and enjoy the learning.
In this App you can get lessons on topic as listed below.
- Class 1 - Body Parts - Class 2 - Fruits and Vegetables - Class 3 - Colors - Class 4 - Family Members - Class 5 - Personality - Class 6 - Clothes - Class 7 - Profession - Class 8 - Shops and places - Class 9 - Days, months and Seasons - Class 10 - Time - Class 11 - Animals - Class 12 - Tools and Equipment - Class 13 - Crops and Plants - Class 14 - Foods - Class 15 - Physical Appearance - Class 16 - Internet Terms - Class 17 - House Items - Class 18 - Common Vocabulary Set 1 - Class 19 - Common Vocabulary Set 2 - Class 20 - Common Vocabulary Set 3
and many many more..