SimpleWeather is a simple weather application for getting your current forecast.
Features: * Display current weather conditions * Show this week's daily forecast * Display other useful details: pressure, humidity, wind conditions, sunrise and sunset times * Severe weather alerts * Simple user interface * Support for multiple favorite locations * Resizable live tile for current weather conditions * Windows widget support (Windows 11)
Weather Sources: This app currently supports the following weather providers: * HERE Weather (Premium required) * Apple Weather (Premium required) * MET.no * U.S. National Weather Service (US Only) * OpenWeatherMap (Provider key required): http://openweathermap.org/appid * WeatherUnlocked * WeatherAPI.com * Tomorrow.io (Provider key required): https://www.tomorrow.io/weather-api/ * Weatherbit.io (Provider key required)
* World Air Quality Index Project (aqicn.org) * EarthWindMap Project (earth.nullschool.net) * RainViewer (rainviewer.com)
** Want the app in your language? Visit the link within the app to get help translate (Settings > About) **
Useful Tips: * Scroll down page for more weather information * Toggle to switch units is available in Settings * Delete locations by toggling edit mode
Weather Icons by Erik Flowers: https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons/