Solid tracks begin with solid audio. Solid audio begins with solid audio capture techniques. This course takes you on the Ableton Live epic audio journey where you learn everything there is to know about getting solid audio results when you work in Live.
You start with the fundamentals. Sample rate, latency, bit depth and gain staging. These are the essential ingredients of well-recorded audio. From there, Bill dives right into recording. You learn to record single and multiple tracks. Then Bill shows you punching and loop recording techniques that he has perfected as a longtime user of Live.
Next up is a collection of tutorials that dive even deeper into the recording process. Bill shares his advanced techniques of rerecording and resampling audio, MIDI and device chains to create your own library of power-user clips. This course concludes with some "don't miss" audio effect tools that'll take your tracks to a whole new level.
It's time to kick back and learn how to make your audio cut through the clutter with these deep tips straight from the creative mind of Bill Burgess.