Racompass is an advanced GUI for Redis. A faster and robust management tool for Redis. For developers that need to manage data with confidence. Query, create, view, edit, delete key/value like spreadsheet. Working with multiple connections and databases at the same time.
It supports Redis Stack / Redis Modules!!!
Support AWS MemoryDB Support AWS ElastiCache Support Dragonfly (https://www.dragonflydb.io) Support Render (https://render.com) Support Upstash (https://upstash.com) Support Redis Stack Support Redis Function Support Redis JSON Support Redis TimeSeries Support Redis BloomFilter Support Redis Graph Support Redis Search Support Redis Gears Support Redis AI Support Key Live Update (Creation/Deletion Only) Support GEO Search in Sorted-Set Type
More Features:
Multiple Instance Connections * Connecting multiple Redis instances simultaneously. SSH Tunnel and SSL/TLS support.
Sentinel / Cluster Management * It's simple to lookup master/slave nodes and slots.
Keys CRUD * Racompass tries to make CRUD operations easier and more straightforward in Redis.
Binary Data for String * HyperLogLog, Bitmap and BitField are able to be manipulated.
GEO for Sorted Set * Display GEO Hash, Longitude and Latitude with a toggle switch.
Redis Stream * Managing append-only log data in a stream handily including group and consumer. The operations of acknowledgement / claiming pending entries are supported as well.
Embed Terminal for Redis Commands * A terminal client with autocompletion and command hints.
Lua Scripts * Simplify your Lua script execution with the code editor.
Pub/Sub * Monitoring bulk channels and sending messages are similar to messaging app. ACL Management * User-friendly manage Redis users to implement security protection.
Configs Management * Easily configure Redis instance.
Swap DB * Swap databases with multiple actions.
Redis Slowlog * Inspect slow commands in a simple way.
Analytics * Visualize Redis instance stats.
Supported Connection Modes: * Standalone * Sentinel * Cluster
Supported Data Types: * String * List * Set * Hash * Sorted Set * Stream
More Features: * Pattern Search Keys * Search Query Histories * Redis Monitor * Stream Groups + Consumers * Inline Edit * Human-readable datetime for TTL * Export Key/Value * Dump Binary Key/Value * Duplicate Key * Debug/Operation Tools * Bulk Operation * Redis Commands Query * Keyboard Shortcuts
We are pleased to offer all our users a fully functional FREE trial of Racompass. Please note that we may make changes to the limitations of the trial in future releases without prior notice. In addition to the free trial, we offer a range of plans, including Personal, Standard, and Custom options to cater to the specific needs of our users. For more information about purchasing a license, please visit our website at https://racompass.com.
See our privacy policy here: https://racompass.com/privacy-policy/ See our subscription terms here: https://racompass.com/terms-of-use/