With online notes you can write five notes of any kind. The most important function is to call the notice of each other 2 internet-enabled Device (Windows Desktop, Notebook, Tablet or Phone, iPhone , iPod Touch , Pocket PC, Smartphone , Mobile , Netbook, Netpad , MID , UMPC , PC , Mac, ... ) . The data are stored online in a database and are always available for you .
Specifications: - 5 notes each with up to 32,000 characters - Internet connection required - Transmission of only a few data (text ) - Share the note : call to another device (PC , Mac, mobile phone ...) - No disclosure or processing of the data to third parties - Settings : email address or a unique name - Note (LINK) for calling on another device - Transfer: SSL (https) - Print all notes
Example: You go with your Windows Phone in the morning out of the house . Your partner writes at home on your PC or Mac a shopping list in the online notes. Call of go to the program and see this online note and this note can also edit . So you always have access to current personal Information and are able to share .
Use : Write your text and press up or down on 'Save'.
Notes: Your email address or a unique name is required so that assigned the note correctly and thus provided a record of your note will can . Wear ANY sensitive data such as passwords into the program .
Liability: The author of this program accepts no liability for loss of data the notes, damage caused by the program or by the contents of your note , other damage to the unit or individuals.