Create Microsoft Word documents from MasterCook .mz2 and .mx2 recipe export files. You do not need to have the MasterCook program installed on your PC. You only need to have Word installed on your PC if you want to use advanced style formatting features.
Very easy to use! Simply drag/drop (or copy/paste) as many MasterCook recipe files as you want into the main program window. The recipe files you drop may contain one or more recipes. A Microsoft Word document is created from each dropped file.
Using the combine option, you can have all the recipes in all the files you dropped combined and alphabetized into a single Word document.
The default formatting options produce very attractive Word documents which may be fine for many users. However, if you want more control over the formatting, click the User Guide button in the app for detailed instructions on how to do this. You can change which recipe sections appear and their order. If you have Word installed on your PC, you can also modify the styles used when formatting the sections.