######## Learn Microsoft SQL Server ########
This app contains tutorials and reports for the all who want to learn Microsoft SQL Server. They can learn easily from this application.
Following Chapters included in this Application:
#Getting started with Microsoft SQL Server #Data Types #Converting data types #User Defined Table Types #SELECT statement #Alias Names in SQL Server #NULLs #Variables #Dates #Generating a range of dates #Database Snapshots #COALESCE #IF...ELSE #CASE Statement #INSERT INTO #MERGE #CREATE VIEW #Views #UNION #TRY/CATCH #WHILE loop #OVER Clause #GROUP BY #ORDER BY #The STUFF Function #JSON in SQL Server #OPENJSON #FOR JSON #Queries with JSON data #Storing JSON in SQL tables #Modify JSON text #FOR XML PATH #Join #cross apply #Computed Columns #Common Table Expressions #Move and copy data around tables #Limit Result Set #Retrieve Information about your Instance #With Ties Option #String Functions #Logical Functions #Aggregate Functions #String Aggregate functions in SQL Server #Ranking Functions #Window functions #PIVOT / UNPIVOT #Dynamic SQL Pivot #Partitioning #Stored Procedures #Retrieve information about the database #Split String function in SQL Server #Insert #Primary Keys #Foreign Keys #Last Inserted Identity #SCOPE_IDENTITY() #Sequences #Index #Full-Text Indexing #Trigger #Cursors #Transaction isolation levels #Advanced options #Migration #Table Valued Parameters #DBMAIL #In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton) #Temporal Tables #Use of TEMP Table #Scheduled Task or Job #Isolation levels and locking #Sorting/ordering rows #Privileges or Permissions #SQLCMD #Resource Governor #File Group #Basic DDL Operations in MS SQL Server #Subqueries #Pagination #CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE #Parsename #Installing SQL Server on Windows #Analyzing a Query #Query Hints #Query Store #Querying results by page #Schemas #Backup and Restore Database #Transaction handling #Natively compiled modules (Hekaton) #Spatial Data #Dynamic SQL #Dynamic data masking #Export data in txt file by using SQLCMD #Common Language Runtime Integration #Delimiting special characters and reserved words #DBCC #BULK Import # Service broker # Permissions and Security # Database permissions # Row-level security # Encryption # PHANTOM read # Filestream