The key goal of HiddifyNext is to provide a secure, user-friendly and efficient tunneling client. It enables you to route all traffic or selected app traffic to a remote server of your choose, utilizing VPN-Service.
Note: We do not provide any server; users are required to ensure their online activities stay private by using use their own self-hosted server or trusted servers.
We support servers with: - Normal V2ray/Xray Subscription Link - Clash Subscription Link - Sing-Box Subscription Link
What is our unique features? - User Friendly - Optimized and Fast - Automatically select LowestPing - Show user usage information - Easily import sublink by one click using deeplinking - Free and No ADS - Easily switch user sublinks - more and more
Support: - All Protocols supported by Sing-Box - VLESS + xtls reality, vision - VMESS - Trojan - ShoadowSocks - Reality - V2ray - Hystria2 - TUIC - SSH - ShadowTLS
The source code exist in https://github.com/hiddify/Hiddify-Next The application core is based on open-source sing-box.
Permission Description: - VPN Service: As the goal of this application is to provide a secure, user-friendly and efficient tunneling client, we need this permission to be able to route the traffic via tunnel to the remote server. - QUERY ALL PACKAGES: This permission is used to allow users to include or exclude specific applications for tunneling. - RECEIVE BOOT COMPLETED: This permission can be enabled or disabled from app settings to activate this application upon device boot. - POST NOTIFICATIONS: This permission is essential as we employ a foreground service to ensure the continuous operation of the VPN service. - This application is free from advertisements. The analytics and crash data only occurs with the explicit consent of the user in the first use of application.