The Fujitsu Virtual Rack App provides an easy way to showcase the joint solutions that are part of the broad portfolio between Fujitsu and NetApp. It is a simple to use App which helps to present not only the products behind the solutions but also technical and business relevant information in a visual appealing way. This "high-level" content enables the presenter to tell a story to interested parties instead of clicking through slides. The currently available modules are: - NetApp All-Flash FAS - NetApp SolidFire - Partnership Infographic Legal Notes The Fujitsu Virtual Rack App is proprietary of Fujitsu. All given information in the Fujitsu Virtual Rack App is subject to change without notice and is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Fujitsu does not make any representations regarding the use, validity, accuracy or reliability of the tool or the result of the use of the tool. The entire risk of using this tool or data resulting from the use of this tool remains completely with the user. By downloading and installing the Fujitsu Value Calculator App you agree to the Fujitsu Terms and Conditions (http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=77ab5bc8-4d0a-404d-904f-707795914ac9). Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner. © Fujitsu 2017