Find and Replace Text in Files is a program for replacing text in any text files. Find and replace text in files processes text from plain text files.
A big advantage is that the functions of the program are not limited to one file, but texts in any number of files can be processed automatically. This leads to considerable time savings.
Simple search terms can be specified, which are replaced by equally simple texts. Complex search criteria can be described using regular expressions. If regular expressions are used in the search, regular expressions can also describe the text to be used. This makes it possible, for example, to exchange or move parts of the text.
Any number of search criteria can be specified, which are processed individually or sequentially.
All parameters can be saved in setting sets for different projects.
I will publish interesting use cases and examples in my blog https://replace.tomsidee.de in the future. Please check back regularly!
This program is under constant development. Therefore I would be pleased if users write to me via the contact function in the application if they would like to see new functions or have suggestions for changes. Please also write me if something does not work. This is the only way I can respond to your wishes. Negative reviews here in the App Store bring nothing due to lack of communication and only lead to us developers giving up further development in frustration.
To get more detailed information in advance, you can download a quick guide here: https://replace.tomsidee.de/downloads
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Move Window
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Move Window
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