CUESTOCK The one-stop destination for all your needs related to stocks listed on NSE/BSE CUESTOCK helps the Traders / Investors to take better decisions by providing them with Analytics, Visualization and Alerts on the GO (Auto Buy-Sell Signals) CUESTOCK helps you analyse & trade across equity & Derivatives on the go. Access to our In-Depth Research, Unique Time-Tested model to ensure you’re always in control of your portfolio CUESTOCK does Fibonacci, DEMA, DTR, MTR, YTR, Momentum, Oscillators, and Proprietary Check-Points before any stocks view is shared. Our live notifications helps you stay updated on all fluctuations in the markets. We promote intraday trading, thus we like the traders/investors to look at the EOD analytical for sustainable price movement in a stock Query-Builder – Here you can inform us about your portfolio, CUESTOCK will analyse all Check-Points & provide Fibonacci based viewpoints. Back-Tested performances of research views. CUESTOCK has a fully functional trial period of 7 days for new registrations, wherein you can use all the features without any restrictions. Subsequent to the fully functional trial period, you will need to purchase a subscription from BullsEye Holdings.