A FREE tool for converting your DJVU to PDF format in one click!
This tool requires internet access to perform the conversion task. Uploaded files would not be saved.
--------------------- How to use the tool? 1. Make sure you have internet access; 2. Click "Choose File" button and select the DJVU file you'd like to convert; 3. Click "Start" button; 4. Wait for a few seconds and the converted PDF file will be generated.
--------------------- What is the DJVU format? A DJVU file is a compressed image for that was developed by AT&T. It was originally developed in 1998 and the format has gone through many iterations before in 2005 AT&T finally settled on the format we know and use today. The file itself contains a scanned document comprising of media or text.
What is the PDF format? PDF is a document file format that contains text, images, data etc. This document type is Operating System independent. It is an open standard that compresses a document and vector graphics. It can be viewed in web browsers if the PDF plug-in is installed on the browser.