BAM is a complete and powerful budget application to manage in pivot views all your registered bank accounts, entering very quickly your expenses or incomes, checking your pending transactions, calculate you current or estimated balances at any date , apply any type of filters on your operations, estimate your budgets (weekly, monthy, yearly,etc..) , import OFX or QIF file from your bank website, export your data to .CSV files, QIF, HTML, CSV.
BAM had a great success on Windows Phones and is now availble on Windows 10 devices as a completly redesigned universal application
- Manage any number of bank accounts - Full Backup & restore with backup sets manegement - Import from QIF and OFX - Export to CSV, HTML, XML, QIF - Payment types and currency configurable per account and per transaction - Enter in few seconds and very easily your new payments and deposits with default category and budget, Payee/Payer, comment, currency and payments types selection - Manage periodic payments and incomes with periodicity type and frequency configurable. - Manage the currency of bank accounts and pending transactions with automatic rates retrieval. - Configurable categories (Home, Food, Transport, Schools, Taxes, etc…) - Configurable budgets - Configurable Payee/Payers and currencies used - favorite transactions support - Forecast very easily the balances of all accounts in next few days, weeks, or months - Option to enable a password - Photo Attachment and location detection - Multiple profiles support (personal, professional, etc...) - Etc..