A very special image viewer that displays high resolution poster sized images from within Zip file. It features smooth move and zoom animation by using mouse and arrow keys. Left mouse button click goes to next photo. Right mouse button goes to previous photo.
It is also very lightweight, with very small CPU memory footprint. It is made with one purpose only, that is to make viewing large number of large digital pictures easy and enjoyable.
This is the free version. An advanced version is also available with head tracking capability. This means you can use it to view the images completely hands free! if TrackIR 5 is active on your computer. Pitch to move the image up and down. Yaw to move the image left and right. Change head distance to the screen to zoom in and out. Roll to go to next or previous images. Alternative head tracking solution such as Open Track or FaceTrackNoIR utilizing flightgear UDP protocol also works!