Frantic 3 Dimensional Battlefield Action with Humvees, Tanks and Flying Orcas with Rocket Fire at your control. Drive and Fly through deep Valley gorges, over Hills and between Mountains Cliffs to engage aggressive Enemy Vehicles, Pill Boxes, Gun Turrets, SAM sites, Rocket and Laser Towers. Take on the Enemy in Daylight, at Night or in Fog conditions. Out dash heavy Tanks in your Humvees, Fly through deep Valleys, avoiding SAM Sites to engage in air to air combat with other Orcas. Hunt down Armour, Repair and Rocket resource crates, and use the Heads Up Tracker displays to help find your foe in the Fog. 16 Entirely Free Missions (No tedious In App purchases, speed ups or adverts). Including two unscripted totally randomised Skirmish modes for total carnage. These will help you release the stresses of day to day working life. This Game has been optimised for playing on High resolution Tablets, but it can also be played with a PC keyboard and Mouse. Put your headphone volume up to 11 and prepare your route through Bedlams Maze and Flights through the SAM riddled Hades Gorge. This 3D Battle Action places heavy demands upon your spatial awareness senses, even for the most experienced Tank Commander. Keep playing “Candy Crush” if you cannot cope with 3 dimensional warfare.