Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. Now from Newspapers to Windows Phone practice your skills anywhere.
- Randomly generated levels of different complexity - Unique solution for each level. All the levels are generated randomly and each generated puzzle will have a unique solution. - Note taking functionality you can take notes in the puzzle. - 5 Levels of difficulty - Support resuming the game from the same place you left last time - Gets Hints for the Grid box - Level based Best Scores and Over-All best score - Level based Best Time - Total Game Time - Un-limited Trial Period - Added a Theme page to customize the Game themes - Background image can be changed - Tile Colors and Sudoku Grid Box Text Color can be changed - Cool animations - Game Mode selection
v2.2 -added one more page to select Game Mode - Guru Mode all levels are available to play - Fresher Mode levels will be unlocked incrementally based on games won