Find out what the Bible says about 175 everyday topics. Simply select a topic from the vertical list on the left-hand side and the Scriptures pertaining to that topic are displayed on the right-hand side (on the desktop) or in a new page on smaller form factor devices (like small phones & tablets). The hamburger menu along the left-hand side has 5 icons arranged vertically. From the top down they are Topics, Good News, What's New, Copyright, and About.
While I understand this isn't a very complicated application, I do believe it provides helpful information that can be a blessing to you or those to whom it is offered. I plan to continue updating ScriptureHelps UWP with new topics and Scriptures on a fairly regular basis. Users are also encouraged to send me emails suggesting new topics and/or scriptures. If you like my application, please take a few moments to rate and review it in the Windows Store.
This free application is also available for both iPhone and Android.