Welcome to the ScanStore App.
ScanStore helps you track barcoded items and products for your everyday routines. Use it at home, your club, your shop, everywhere.
ScanStore interfaces to Win10 supported PointOfService barcode scanner, receipt printer, cash drawer, and mag-stripe devices, to make these tasks much easier.
This App is the easiest way you'll find to make item lists for shopping, manage your item inventory, tender quick sales, and track your loyal members. Operation is streamlined for efficient and simplistic uses.
The following are some of its primary functions: * Set Barcode Scanner, Printer, Drawer, MagStripe. * Add or Scan new items, and store locally. * Add pictures to your item details. * Create quick lists from these items. * Print detailed lists from the data store. * Zoom-able views for easy glancing. * Manage sales with cash drawer, receipts, logs. * Swipe-in member cards for sales tracking.