Quite frankly, I've been embarrassed from sending out an email or letter to someone with grammar errors. I wish I had this application to proof the contents, allowing me another chance to make sure my message is clear. Listening to the words I wrote, I can make the necessary changes to make everything right! As an example, I am using this application right now, to proof this content, and it seems to be easy on the ears. After listening to the words I have written, I made several adjustments, and replayed for accuracy.
This application can also be used just to listen. When I am proof reading a work order, or other type of business communication, I cut-n-paste the contents into this application, and listen for accuracy.
Several features are really nice to have: 1) Highlight the content you only want to hear, and then notice the "Play All" button changes to "Play Selection" 2) You can install additional Voices on your Windows 10 computer, and they will be available in this application 3) You can control the rate of speed of the voice (slow it down; or speed it up) 4) You can change the font size. From really-really small, to big.