Shortcuts and Macros on your screen. Control your Live Stream, make macros for your editors and more.
Question - MY PROGRAM DON'T LISTEN THE KEYS: Answer: Try to run both Macro Deck and your program in administrator mode, or none in administrator mode or mixed match.
Question - I CAN'T KEY BIND MY PROGRAM WITH F13-F24: Answer: This program uses Windows Virtual Keys while some programs use real keyboard listener when setting the shortcut key binds. But no keyboard has F13-F24 keys, to use those you will need a program called "HID Macros" that can intercept and change a real key to whatever you want, once your program is configured you can close HID Macros and use F13-F24 on Macro Deck normally.
Question - HOW I MOVE MY SAVED PROFILE TO A NEW COMPUTER? Answer: Just copy the "Documents/Macro Deck" folder to the new computer.