In order to know your future prospects Future Point has created LeoQuery, the new methods for getting predictions and answers to your queries. Those who have a firm belief in these aspects of horary related science could use a number of options other than the classical ways of predictions. For here, one need to be clear in his conscience first and should have firm belief in God and faith in the upcoming prediction. You must be free from all the prejudices and must remember the God while asking questions otherwise questions as well as results may differ. You must be very specific in your mind while asking questions. This is necessary in order to maintain the faith in these older but much tried & tested methods. These horary tools has many methods and in each one of these methods we have provided a description which gives the information of the query and gives a brief usage help on how you can know answer of your question. You can also see the mantra or shloka in some of them which you should enchant when you go for the query. There are some methods which are specific to questions such as “Santan” related Queries which you need to select only when you have queries related to children. In some of them we have also provided you with a set of questions from where you can select your query before posting result. In case if it is not there you must repeat your query in your mind. Here we provide a brief review of all these methods one by one so that you may become familiar with them before trying these options.