Download the free app and read books! Browse the ebook catalog, buy directly from the device or read your own books from OneDrive or SD card. Use the application which provides the best book styling support in the Windows Phone Store (including images and tables). Sign up at the ebookstore to get access to your publications on a computer and other phone or tablet devices.
Features: · Access to cheap and free ebooks in the EPUB format, free book samples · Add your own books: import from OneDrive (former Skydrive), SD card or add them on our website · Increase or decrease font size while reading, change font styles, margins and line spacing, navigate with links, change chapters with a slider or a table of contents · Go to specific page · Brightness control in the reading screen (swipe up or down near left or right edge of the screen to adjust brightness) · Bookmark a page, save a quote in a notebook · Allow your friends to follow what you are reading on a Facebook · Read in portrait or landscape orientation, switch to night mode · Every book is opened on the same page as it was closed using Legimi apps for other devices.