######## Learn MySQL ########
This app contains tutorials and reports for the all who want to learn MySQL. They can learn easily from this application.
Following Chapters included in this Application:
#1 Getting started with MySQL #2 Data Types #3 SELECT #4 Backticks #5 NULL #6 Limit and Oset #7 Creating databases #8 Using Variables #9 Comment MySQL #10 INSERT #11 DELETE #12 UPDATE #13 ORDER BY #14 Group By #15 Error 1055: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY: something is not in GROUP BY clause #16 Joins #17 JOINS: Join 3 table with the same name of id. #18 UNION #19 Arithmetic #20 String operations #21 Date and Time Operations #22 Handling Time Zones #23 Regular Expressions #24 VIEW #25 Table Creation #26 ALTER TABLE #27 Drop Table #28 MySQL LOCK TABLE #29 Error codes #30 Stored routines (procedures and functions) #31 Indexes and Keys #32 Full-Text search #33 PREPARE Statements #34 JSON #35 Extract values from JSON type #36 MySQL Admin #37 TRIGGERS #38 Configuration and tuning #39 Events #40 ENUM #41 Install Mysql container with Docker-Compose #42 Character Sets and Collations #43 MyISAM Engine #44 Converting from MyISAM to InnoDB #45 Transaction #46 Log files #47 Clustering #48 Partitioning #49 Replication #50 Backup using mysqldump #51 mysqlimport #52 LOAD DATA INFILE #53 MySQL Unions #54 MySQL client #55 Temporary Tables #56 Customize PS1 #57 Dealing with sparse or mi #58 Connecting with UTF-8 Using Various Programming language. #59 Time with subsecond precision #60 One to Many #61 Server Information #62 SSL Connection Setup #63 Create New User #64 Security via GRANTs #65 Change Password #66 Recover and reset the default root password for MySQL 5.7+ #67 Recover from lost root password #68 MySQL Performance Tips #69 Performance Tuning