######## Learn Haskell ########
This app contains tutorials and reports for the all who want to learn Haskell. They can learn easily from this application.
Following Chapters included in this Application:
#1 Getting started with Haskell Language #2 Overloaded Literals #3 Foldable #4 Traversable #5 Lens #6 QuickCheck #7 Common GHC Language Extensions #8 Free Monads #9 Type Classes #10 IO #11 Record Syntax #12 Partial Application #13 Monoid #14 Category Theory #15 Lists #16 Sorting Algorithms #17 Type Families #18 Monads #19 Stack #20 Generalized Algebraic Data Types #21 Recursion Schemes #22 Data.Text #23 Using GHCi #24 Strictness #25 Syntax in Functions #26 Functor #27 Testing with Tasty #28 Creating Custom Data Types #29 Reactive-banana #30 Optimization #31 Concurrency #32 Function composition #33 Databases #34 Data.Aeson - JSON in Haskell #35 Higher-order functions #36 Containers - Data.Map #37 Fixity declarations #38 Web Development #39 Vectors #40 Cabal #41 Type algebra #42 Arrows #43 Typed holes #44 Rewrite rules (GHC) #45 Date and Time #46 List Comprehensions #47 Streaming IO #48 Google Protocol Buers #49 Template Haskell & QuasiQuotes #50 Phantom types #51 Modules #52 Tuples (Pairs, Triples) #53 Graphics with Gloss #54 State Monad #55 Pipes #56 Infix operators #57 Parallelism #58 Parsing HTML with taggy-lens and lens #59 Foreign Function Interface #60 Gtk3 #61 Monad Transformers #62 Bifunctor #63 Proxies #64 Applicative Functor #65 Common monads as free monads #66 Common functors as the base of cofree comonads #67 Arithmetic #68 Role #69 Arbitrary-rank polymorphism with RankNTypes #70 GHCJS #71 XML #72 Reader / ReaderT #73 Function call syntax #74 Logging #75 Attoparsec #76 zipWithM #77 Profunctor #78 Type Application