JyotishTools Pro for Windows features: * Six chart styles include a wheel chart with aspects indicators. Two hybrid chart styles added. * English, Sanskrit or Glyphs option for chart display. * Vimshottari dashas list beyond 120 years when scrolled (useful for mundane astrology). * A transit chart that with changeable date and slider to adjust the date 30 days on either side or adjust the time over 24 hours. * Wheel transit chart with biwheel. * A full information report including strengths, signification of the planets in the horoscope. This page is also available as a printout. * Printable horoscope page including selected divisional chart, transits and dashas. * Printable divisional charts page. * Bhukti group list. * Systems Approach Triple Transit Report * Thirty Day Planetary Strength Report * Aspect page for planets and Systems Approach MEPs * Ephemeris * Muhurta Tool * Graphical Ephemeris * Utilities for importing and exporting charts for backup. Imports include JyotishTools Windows JTL files, Junior Jyotish JJY files and QuickJyotish QCK files. * Sort the horoscope database by ascendant and save the list as text. * Save all horoscope notes into one text file. * Save the chart info report as a text file. * Save the current horoscope listing as a PNG image. * Save the natal chart or the divisional chart as a PNG file by double clicking on the chart. * Create and manage a "favorites" list of horoscopes. * Explore and find more!