Keeping compliant and maintaining a strong audit history is key for organisations to address government regulations, reduce risk and defend litigation.
The eVolution Compliance App includes features to:
• Work offline. Audits can be created, edited and saved even when no wi-fi or cellular network is available. • Minimise set up time by downloading free Audit templates; • Use the red, amber and green colour codes to monitor progress towards being compliant and highlight findings requiring action; • Save completed templates both in-app and in a PDF. Keep a detailed audit trail and demonstrate your findings to customers, suppliers, regulators and staff. • Increase efficiency. Maintaining audits can be a laborious and time consuming process, eVolution Compliance can significantly help with efficiency by allowing you to complete audits ‘on the fly’, quickly edit existing audits and keep constant track of compliance issues. • Use without training. eVolution Compliance has been designed to be as intuitive and simple to use as possible, making it easy to download and use without any additional training.
We a long history of bringing an IT orientated approach to the creation of Apps. Our combination of experience, innovation and client collaboration enable us to work at the leading edge.
The eVolution range of integrated multi-user cloud based systems includes products for Risk Assessments, Compliance, Incident Reporting, Document Management, Preventive Actions, Notifications and Contractor Management.
For further information on eVolution please visit our website:
For technical support please email: [email protected]