NOTE: This is the legacy iLink app, which runs on Windows devices and provides remote access to MARS6 instruments only. For the new iLink Mobile app, which provides remote access to all iLink-enabled CEM instruments and is available for Android, iPhone and PC, search the store for "iLink Mobile".
iLink by CEM is provides full remote access to MARS6 instruments. Monitor multiple MARS6 instruments from the start page. Get a closer look at any instrument, including instrument configuration, current run statistics, methods and previous runs, on the hub page. Start, pause and stop runs, create and edit methods, view and print sample prep reports.
The iLink suite of products: - iLink for Windows 8/10 tablets: Free in the Windows Store. - iLink for iPhone / iPad: Free in the iTunes App Store. - iLink for Android: Free in the Google Play Store.
Download and use the CEM iLink apps on any number of devices. You must purchase the iLink option for each MARS6 instrument you wish to monitor.