The Cartograph app views Mapsforge offline vector maps and records tracks.
Please contact us if you have any questions, problems, or feature requests:
## Map features - View Mapsforge offline vector maps (including maps!). - Support for OpenAndroMaps render themes (Elevate, Elements), which are great for hiking, mountainbiking, running, and other outdoor activities. - Other supported offline map formats: MBTiles (raster and OpenMapTiles MVT vector), TwoWays RMAP, Locus SQLite, Oruxmaps SQLite. - Supported online map types: Mapbox vector tiles (MVT - OpenMapTiles style), Bing quadkey tile format (raster), OpenStreetMap slippy tile format (raster), raster WMS (web map service, including layers and styles). - Offline hillshading and slope mapping (*). - Mapsforge multi-maps (combine multiple Mapsforge maps into a single map) (*). - Classic Mapsforge and new Mapsforge VTM rendering support. - Stack multiple map layers on top of each other (including transparency) (*). - 3D buildings (*). - Create custom Mapsforge maps (**). - Grid overlays, including WGS84, UTM, MGRS (military grid reference system), and many local projections (*). - Supports classical latitude/longitude (WGS84), UTM, MGRS, and many local (proj4) coordinate display projections.
## Tracks and routing - Track recording while the app is in background (*). - Draw custom tracks using the track drawing tool (*). - Photo-, video-, and audio waypoints (*). - BRouter offline route calculation (*). - OSRM routing. - Google Directions, Bing Routes (**). - Basic offline navigation with voice instructions and custom audio instructions (*). - Waypoint alerts (*). - Current route elevation profile (*). - Import and export *.gpx, *.kml, *.kmz (only import) tracks. - Import EXIF JPEG photos and Google Takeout as bookmarks (*). - Garmin icon support (*). - Live friend tracking (share your location with friends live on a map) (*).
## Other features - Measurement tools (distance, elevation profile, circular distance) (*). - Workspaces (manage sets of maps/overlays/tracks) (*). - Cloud sync (backup data and synchronize data among multiple devices) using Microsoft OneDrive, DropBox, or your own web server (*). - "What's here" (reverse geo-code). - Built-in offline overlays for drinking water, supermarkets, hostels, and restaurants. - Search: Google Places, Bing, Nominatim (**). - Included translations: English, German, Hungarian, Traditional Chinese. - Create your own translations:
Items marked with (*) are available in the full version which is available as an in-app-purchase. Items marked with (**) require credits which can be obtained in the app.
## In app purchases (IAP) The Cartograph app offers in-app-purchases for activating all features, and for accessing 3rd party services (such as Google Directions). A detailed description of all products is available here:
## Disclaimer The Cartograph app allows you to record your location ("track recording") while the app is in background. Location services can significantly increase battery usage.