The BLE SensorTags (blessTags) is the only one application on the market able to manage six different SensorTags.
The blessTags application is able to communicate with: CC2451, CC2650 (both produced by Texas Instruments Company), ThunderBoard React, ThunderBoard Sense (both devices produced by Silicon Labs Company), Nordic Thingy:52 (produced by Nordic Semiconductor), WICED Sense2 (produced by Cypress) and with other unknown types of BLE devices.
In its actual stage of development, the blessTags application:
1. allows to set, communicate (by reading and notifying), use, display (in graphic and numeric ways) and save data from all sensors included in each of the SensorTags presented above;
2. includes the GADGETS - the most exciting feature. The gadgets are several practical applications (compass, movement security systems - door or luggage security, magnetic security system, accelerometer mouse, remote control for PC and wireless presenters for PowerPoint) that use one or more sensors from a specific SensorTag to achieve a concrete, fully functional and useful application.
3. can trigger a visual or/and an audible warning or/and a data saving process will be started if an event will be generated - if the desired value (instantaneous, mean or variance), of a specific sensor, meet a condition or a series of conditions (is lower, higher, inside or outside of a specific range);
4. using the activities feature, the blessTags application will execute different actions, when a specific event will take place. Actions like: run an application selected by the user, send an email or hibernate, lock, logoff, sleep etc. the device on which it is running;
5. gives the possibility to interrogate several types of unknown BLE devices, in order to obtain the complete GATT attribute table for those particular unknown devices;
6. include the developer mode - the blessTags provides to the user lots of messages obtained from the communication process with the SensorTag - these messages enable the user to identify the communication/configuration setbacks and some other problems;
7. allows the determination of the optimal Kalman filter parameters. These parameters are extracted having as a source: (A) the MPU-9250 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) – for CC2650 SensorTag or (B) the IMU-3000 (gyroscope sensor) and KXTJ9 (acceleration sensor) – in the case of CC2541 SensorTag.
The supported sensor’s characteristics are:
A. For CC2541: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, temperature (IR and normal), barometer, humidity, keys and output LEDs.
B. For CC2650: accelerometer (+wake-on-motion), gyroscope, magnetometer, temperature (IR and normal), barometer, humidity, luxometer, keys, reed switch and output LEDs.
C. For ThunderBoard React: accelerometer, orientation, temperature, humidity, light (ambient & UV), keys and output LEDs.
D. For ThunderBoard Sense: accelerometer, orientation, quarternions, gravity vector, rotation matrix, heading angle, barometer, temperature, humidity, air quality (CO2 & TVOC), light (ambient & UV), sound level, keys and output LEDs (2 x low power LEDs & 4 x power LEDs).
E. For Nordic Thingy:52: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, orientation, temperature, humidity, barometer, color, key, output lines, LED, sensor configuration and the integration with gadgets was done with: compass, PowerPoint and remote control for PC.
F. For WICED Sense2: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, barometer, temperature and humidity.